

Communism is a political and economic ideology based on the principle of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of private property. In a communist system, the government or a centralized authority controls the resources and distribution of goods and services, aiming to achieve a classless society where wealth and resources are shared equally among all members of the community.

What You Need To Know

All resources, including land, factories, and businesses, are owned and controlled by the community or the state. There is no private ownership of property. A centralized authority (usually the government) makes all economic decisions, such as production levels, distribution of goods, and resource allocation, rather than by market forces.

Communism seeks to eliminate social classes and create a society where everyone's needs are met, and there is no exploitation or oppression of one group by another. Everyone contributes according to their abilities and receives according to their needs.

Historically, communist movements have been associated with figures like Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who outlined their ideas in the famous Communist Manifesto published in 1848. Countries such as the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and North Korea have implemented communist systems to varying degrees, but its practical implementation has often been accompanied by authoritarian governance and limitations on individual freedoms.

Critics argue centralized planning can lead to inefficiencies, lack of innovation, and economic stagnation. Additionally, some argue the concentration of power in a central authority can lead to abuses of power and human rights violations.