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Compound Interest

Compound interest is the interest calculated on the initial principal amount as well as any accumulated interest from previous periods. It allows investments or loans to grow at an accelerating rate over time. The key concept of compound interest is that interest is earned not only on the initial amount but also on the interest that has already been earned.

What You Need To Know

Compound interest takes advantage of the time value of money. By allowing interest to compound over longer periods, even small initial investments can grow significantly over time. Similarly, compound interest on loans can result in substantial interest payments over extended repayment periods.

Compound interest plays a vital role in long-term investment strategies, such as retirement planning. The earlier individuals start investing, the longer their investments have to compound, potentially resulting in substantial growth over time.

Failing to make timely payments on debt oligations, such as credit card debt or personal loans, can result in interest charges compounding on the outstanding balance, leading to an increase in the overall debt burden.

While compound interest is generally advantageous for investors, it is essential to consider factors such as the interest rate, compounding frequency, and investment horizon. Higher interest rates and more frequent compounding can lead to faster growth but also involve increased risks. Additionally, compounding works against individuals when they have outstanding debts with high interest rates, as interest charges can accumulate rapidly.